Broward County Florida … always on the cutting edge!

If you’ve ever had the privilege of working with the leadership and team at Broward County, then you know a few things about them:
They are innovative. From the systems they use to the services they provide, they are dedicated to delivering the best for their citizens and they aren’t afraid to make changes to the status quo.
They are forward thinking. Efficiency is the name of the game in an organization of their size and they are always looking for new ways to accommodate their current workload while projecting and anticipating future growth needs.
They set the tech bar high! Broward County is committed to taking advantage of technology that benefits their staff, their citizens, and even other governmental agencies.
For these reasons, we are proud to recognize Broward County for their hard work in the recent successful implementation of Web based Applause for “Gov to Gov” eRecording.
Please take a moment to read through our case study for the City of Coral Springs Building Department, and then contact us directly if you are interested in learning how Applause could benefit YOUR county too.